How To Change An Apple Watch Band


If you’re wondering how to change an Apple Watch band, this guide might be helpful. You can easily change your Apple Watch’s look by changing the strap. While it may seem complicated, it’s simple.

Make sure your Apple Watch rests face down on a smooth, clean surface. You can also hold it in your hand if you prefer. First, detach the old band by holding the release button on the side. Gently detach it from the watch’s body. To add a new band, connect it to the watch’s body. Make sure the bands are secure.

In this article, we’ll walk you through how to change an Apple Watch band. Let’s dive right in.

How to Change an Apple Watch Band

The step-by-step guide below will help you change your watch strap in no time. If you have any trouble, we provide tips to help you along the way.

Step 1: Prepare the Surface

Set up a sturdy table on which you can place a soft microfiber cloth for your watch. The cover helps to prevent accidental scratches on the watch’s face. Place the watch face down on the soft cloth surface. Alternatively, you can hold the watch in your hand.

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Step 2: Disband the Old Band

There are two elongated, thin oval buttons on an Apple Watch that allow you to release the bands on either side. Hold down the release button, then shift the band out of the watch’s body. Repeat this process for the other band. Press the button down repeatedly if the band doesn’t easily detach from the watch’s body.

It will be easy to remove a band sometimes. But it can be challenging if the band has gunk on it.

Step 3: Attach the New Band

Join the small piece attached to your new band with the watch’s body. Move it gently until it’s secured. You’ll hear a click when it’s in place.

Ensure your new band connects securely to your Apple Watch before wearing it. Insufficiently secured bands can cause your Apple Watch to fall off your wrist and break or get lost. Therefore, after placing the band on your wrist, move it around to ensure it’s properly attached.


Adding accessories to your Apple Watch is a great way to make it unique. Apple offers a splendid collection of straps in various designs, colors, and patterns. This variety makes it easy to match your Apple Watch to your outfit.

Bear in mind that the way you change the bands on an Apple Watch can vary from model to model. So be sure to read the manual for your Apple Watch carefully to find what works for you. 

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