How to Get TikTok Famous

How to Get TikTok Famous

Was there any irony involved in downloading TikTok when you did? We bet there’s none left now.

While you might have just got the app to see what all the fuss is about, we’re willing to wager that you’ve quickly been swept up in it, and you’re wondering how your page can become just as popular as everyone else’s.

See, the thing about TikTok is that it’s so unique and new that everyone’s trying to jump on it.

While this means that you’ve got a brand new platform to work with, it also means that if you want to do well, you’ve certainly got your work cut out for you.

When things get real, it’s not easy to grow your TikTok account, let alone become famous. It’s going to take a lot of technical knowledge, strategizing, and time on your part to get there.

However, the more you put into it, the more you’ll get out – and the more you’ll know, the better you’ll do. Sound a bit vague? Don’t worry, we’ll go into it a lot more below. Let’s talk about how to get TikTok famous.

Post Something Everyday


Want to attract an audience that’s going to stick around? Then you probably need to start posting every day. Even if you’re at the beginning of your TikTok journey, and you don’t feel like your content is reaching that many people, you’ve still got to do it.

Why? Because consistency is key. Those popular pages that you see out there? They belong to people who are churning out the content to their fans, who get more interested by the day.

They know that the key to becoming famous on TikTok is giving their audience want they want every day so that they keep coming back. The best part? TikTok doesn’t punish its users for uploading all the time, unlike other social media channels.

Capitalize on Trends


How in tune are you with the current trends? If the answer is not that much, then this has to change. While how much you care about trends is going to depend on your niche and industry, the reality is that the more you stay on top of what everyone likes right now, the better you’ll do.

Try to find the part of TikTok that’s all about your niche, and keep up with the times. If there’s a viral challenge doing the rounds, participate. This is one of the only ways that you’ll get to be seen and hopefully get TikTok famous.

Be Original with Your Content


This might sound counterintuitive to recommending that you follow trends, but a healthy mix is going to be key to doing well on the world’s newest social media sharing app. As well as posting what’s popular, you’ve also got to try and make your content as original as possible.

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People love to see stuff that’s different. What do you think they’re going to scroll past – content that they’ve seen someone else do before, or content that is totally original? We think that you know the answer.

Remember, the more you put into your content, the more you get out of it. Get creative and make sure that you’re bringing something unique to the table.

Utilize TikTok’s Tools


If you haven’t already realized, TikTok actually rewards its users when they use the latest app developments, tools, and features. This means that if you have jumped on the opportunity to check out your TikTok analytics already, TikTok will already be holding you in high regard.

The newer the features are, the more of an impact they’re going to make. Think about it – if you’re using brand new features that not many people have used yet, then they’re going to stand out and get people’s attention.

Ride the Viral Wave


Have you gone viral yet? Are you almost there? A lot of the time, people go viral without even trying. They post a random video that they don’t expect much out of, and all of a sudden, they’ve got thousands of views on it.

This is when it’s time to ride the viral wave and make the most of your brand new notoriety. Let’s go back to point one, where we talk about uploading content as much as possible. If you want your viral following to stick around and not get bored, you need to start uploading more of the same.

Your Videos Need to be Shared


What’s going to get the attention of even more people when existing fans of yours watch your videos? If they’re sharable. One thing that you have to think about every time you make content is ‘is this the type of video that people are going to want to share with their friends?’. If the answer is yes, then you’re on to a winner.

The goal here is to get people sharing your content left, right, and center. If you’re not making content that people are sharing, then you need to adjust your approach to making videos and figure out what people are into the most.

Get Out of Your Comfort Zone


While you may not be totally comfortable in front of the camera yet, the reality is that you’ve got to take risks to stand out on a platform like TikTok. To make original, exciting content, you’ve got to do things that require risk.

Whether it’s doing a dare, or doing something you don’t normally do, like singing, make sure that you’re coming up with ways to push yourself outside of your comfort zone.

Final Thoughts

So, there you have it – a crash course on getting TikTok famous. It’s not going to be easy, but you have just as much of a chance of doing well on the social sharing app as anyone else.

The more you know how to work, TikTok, the better you’ll do. Make sure that your growth strategy is on point, and you’ll be famous in no time.