How To Text Someone Who Blocked You


How do you text someone who has blocked you? Perhaps you find yourself in a position where someone has blocked you, but you really need to get hold of them. How to you get through to them? And will they receive your text message if you send one?

Being blocked doesn’t necessarily mean you can no longer make contact. There are a few ways around this. You can start by changing your contact number. If the person has blocked you WhatsApp, you always can start a new account. Text the person using this new account. You can also experiment with other texting apps available on Android or iPhone. 

But, before we begin, you must confirm that the person has really blocked you. If you received a message that said “message not delivered”, the person may have blocked you. In addition, if you can’t find the person on social media, they may have blocked you.

Furthermore, let’s say you try to call the person, but your call is not going through. This could also clearly show that you’ve more than likely been blocked.

Let’s look at the different methods you can try to text someone who has blocked you. This applies to texting someone who has blocked you on WhatsApp, iMessage, and Android.

How to Text Someone Who Has Blocked You on an Android Device 

There is a workaround if someone has blocked you on Android. You can text the person using an anonymous messaging app for Android. An anonymous texting app allows you to send a message without imputing your phone number. 

The biggest advantage with these apps is that you’ll be able to text the person that blocked you. Simply download the app, insert the person’s phone number, and send a message.

How to Text Someone Who Blocked You on iPhone’s iMessage

If someone has blocked you on your iPhone, it’s easier to text them than you realize. You only need to reset your caller ID. Open messages in your iPhone’s settings.

Select the send and receive option. Using the iMessage function, tap it to enter a new email address or contact number. Before you continue, make sure you confirm your email address. Go to “start a new conversation” after confirming your email address. Choose the newly entered email address or phone number.

Because you changed the last details, any message you send using your phone number will now be delivered.


How to Text Someone Who Blocked You on WhatsApp Messenger 

There are several ways you can text someone who blocked you on WhatsApp. Here is how to do it. 

1. Delete and Reactivate your WhatsApp Account 

Most people try this as their first option. To start, delete your account. Make a backup of all your account information because deleting your WhatsApp account may lose all your data.

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Go to Settings to remove your WhatsApp account. Select delete account from the account tab. Open WhatsApp after you’ve successfully deactivated your account.

Initiate a new WhatsApp account, just like you did before. However, this time, create the account using an alternative number. You can now text the person who has blocked you on WhatsApp.

2. Join a WhatsApp Group 

You can either join an existing WhatsApp group that the person is a member of or ask that your friend create a new one.

If you select the second option, your friend can create a WhatsApp group. They can then add you and the person you’re attempting to text. 

This way, you can text that person in the group. Make it clear to your friend that they should exit the group after adding both of you. So only the two of you will remain in the group.


There are many situations where you need to text someone who has blocked you. In any event, try the methods we listed above to text someone who has blocked you.

The tips and tricks we provided should be helpful when texting someone on WhatsApp, Instagram, iPhone, and Android.