The Top 9 Most Common Mobile Learning Traps and How to Avoid Them


With so many people now using mobile devices to learn, it’s no wonder that mobile learning is becoming more popular than ever. However, like everything else in life, there are risks associated with running mobile learning platforms. If you’re not careful, you may end up falling into one of the top mobile learning traps.

In this article, we’ll outline these traps and provide tips on how to avoid them. So whether you’re a beginner or an experienced businessman, take a note – this is essential information for anyone looking to learn on the go!

#1 – Not Planning Ahead

Mobile learning platforms can be a great way to supplement your classroom education, but if you don’t plan ahead, you could find yourself struggling to stay organized and create eLearning content regulation at the same time.

Make sure that you have a clear idea of what topics you want to cover and the order in which students should learn. This will help keep things moving smoothly and prevent boredom from setting in.

#2 – Not Focusing on Multiple Things 

Its mobile learning is all about taking advantage of the opportunities that technology provides. However, if you focus on only one thing at a time, it’s easy to get overwhelmed and lose interest.

Instead, try incorporating different activities into your learning sessions so that online learners don’t get bored. 

This will help keep their attention spans elevated and ensure that they’re getting the most out of your mobile learning experience.

#3 – Not Making Use of Mobile Apps

One big benefit of using a mobile learning platform is that it gives businesses access to a range of features that can help enhance users’ learning experiences.

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For example, you might want your learners to listen to audio lectures, or browse through flashcards while on the go. By making full use of mobile apps, you’re sure to maximize the users’ learning potential.

#4 – Not Integrating for Hyperlinking

Hyperlinking is a great way to make your eLearning content more accessible and engaging for learners. However, If you don’t plan hyperlinks into your eLearning content, they’ll be lost and the overall learning process won’t be as fruitful.

Make sure that you have a clear outline of what topics you want to cover and where each one should be linked from. This will help keep everything organized and ensure that everyone impacted by the learning process can take advantage of it.

#5 – Not Utilizing Appropriate Tools

To ensure that your learners are able to learn effectively on the go, you must make sure to equip them with the right tools.

This not only includes mobile learning but also an effective learning management system (LMS), which can help you track their progress and deliver the right eLearning content at the right time. 

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Additionally, you should make use of cloud-based services and apps, to ensure that your students have access to the courses and materials from the device of their choice and from any location. 

Lastly, keep in mind the time factor when designing your mobile learning courses. Make sure that you cater to the different needs of your learners during different times of the day keeping the diverse geographies of the learners.

#6 – Not Planning Administrative Tasks

Too often, businesses forget to include administrative tasks in their mobile learning plans. This can lead to unforeseen delays and complications when it comes to delivering the eLearning content, as well as wasted time and energy on tasks that could have been handled in a more efficient manner. 

To avoid this pitfall, and automate certain processes. You can free up valuable time for the trainers for more strategic tasks. 

For example, you can set up a system to email invoices automatically, or automate, so that your business can move forward with its mobile learning initiatives smoothly and without any hitches.

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#7 -Not Keeping Pace

One way to make sure that you’re keeping up with the pace of your mobile learning sessions is by spacing out your lessons throughout the day. This will help keep learners engaged and focused on what they’re doing.

Another eLearning strategy is to break up long lectures into smaller segments so that students can better absorb information. This technique is termed “microlearning” and is widely adopted and popular. This way, they won’t feel overwhelmed or discouraged when trying to learn new material. It is also easier to retain information for long.

#8 -Not Anticipating And Managing Learners’ Feedback

Too often, businesses overlook the importance of learner feedback and end up suffering from the consequences. If you’re not anticipating and managing student feedback effectively, you’re likely to go through one or more of the following common problems:

  • learning traps: Ignoring feedback leads to a lack of improvement.
  • Not providing enough feedback inhibits creativity and productivity.
  • Excessive demands for feedback lead to students feeling overwhelmed and frustrated.
  • Not providing timely and relevant feedback can have a negative impact on students’ engagement and motivation.

#9 – Not Providing Personalized Learning Sessions 

Personalized learning is key to success when it comes to mobile learning. This is why it’s so important to provide personalized learning sessions for your students so that they can be successful with the mobile platform and improve their skills quickly.

However, many business owners fall into the trap of providing generic eLearning content and tutorials instead. This not only fails to provide the students with the necessary skills but also leaves them unprepared for the real world.

 If you want your students to be successful with mobile learning, make sure to focus on providing personalized eLearning content and tutorials that fit their specific needs.

Blog Conclusion

By keeping all these in mind, you can ensure that your learners are fully engaged and learning the material in the most effective way possible.

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