Sworn Translation Explained: The Key To Accurate and Legal Document Translation


Before moving to another country for education or work opportunities, you are often required to provide a sworn translation of your documents, such as translating them from English to German or Spanish.

This typically includes key documents like your birth certificate, academic degree, or legal compliance certificates. But what exactly is a sworn translation, and how does it differ from a standard translation?

What is Sworn Translation?

A sworn translation is an official translation carried out by a licensed professional translator authorised by law to perform such work.

In essence, a sworn translator is the one who is responsible for producing a legally acceptable translation, guaranteeing that the translation is accurate as well as admissible against legal challenges.

You may be wondering what makes a sworn translator unique. Well, the main difference is that, unlike non-sworn translators, sworn translators are chosen by an official authority after passing many rigorous tests related to legal translation. In many countries, they are accredited by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

What is Sworn Translation 1

Why Sworn Translations are Important

Certain papers need a guarantee of accuracy and legal validity when translated.

This is particularly important if you will be required to show these papers to a formal entity, such as a university, notary public, or court. Under these circumstances, a certified translation is required.

A non-sworn translator lacks the formal certification necessary to verify the correctness of a translated document.

Therefore, the authorities will not appreciate a standard translation of such papers. In contrast, a sworn translator provides an official guarantee of accuracy through their signature, stamp, and unique registration number.

They also include their contact details and qualifications. Courts, for instance, often require a sworn translation of legal documents before they can be filed or accepted.

Factors To Consider When Choosing Sworn Translation Services Provider

Are you looking to hire German translation services or any other sworn translator service? Here are some key tips to keep in mind before making your decision.


Before hiring a sworn translator, make sure you have a good idea of their rate. This requires some research on your part.

A great way to save money is to look at and compare prices so you can get the best offers. Avoid overpaying for sworn translation services—more affordable options are often available.

Efficiency of the Services

Make it a priority to assess the level of efficiency. They should put in the time and energy to study the current materials, make notes of important terms, and do research before starting the translation.

This guarantees that the translation retains proper diction and grammar.


Given that their reliability is closely tied to the quality of their work, it’s important to be cautious when choosing a sworn translator.

You can find reviews written by previous customers on their websites, which can help you make an educated selection based on your expectations.

Why You Cant Self Sworn Translate

Why You Can’t Self-Sworn Translate?

You may be asking why you can’t do the sworn translation on your own if you or a friend knows a foreign language. Here is a practical example to clarify:

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Picture this: a degree in engineering from an accredited institution is required of all applicants for engineering positions in a foreign country.

You’ve taken an engineering-related professional training course, but it didn’t count towards your degree or cover the same ground.

Falsify Information

Making the translation on your own or with the help of a friend or family member increases the risk of inaccuracy, such as making your credentials seem like you hold a degree when in fact you have not attended college.


A certified translation by a sworn translator must be factual and free of bias, with the translator’s signature and stamp on every page, as well as a certificate attesting that the translation accurately reflects the original.

If there are any problems or errors in the translation, the complete responsibility will be on the sworn translator.


Sworn translation plays a vital role in official and legal contexts. Documents translated by certified sworn translators are guaranteed to be accurate, reliable, and legally legitimate due to their specific knowledge.

They work tirelessly to overcome language obstacles so people and businesses can confidently communicate across borders, comply with legal requirements, and navigate legal systems.

In today’s interconnected world, when languages are so varied and complex, certified sworn translation is an essential tool for bridging cultural gaps and fostering mutual understanding.