Tried-and-tested SEO Strategies for Doctors and Dentists


Taking your medical or dental practice online is one way to get more patients to visit your clinic. Nowadays, behind a successful practice is a robust, high-ranking medical or dental website. You can promote your own dental or medical brand with your optimized site and stand out with your impeccable services and products.

If you are a medical or dental professional and wish to expand your practice, consider search engine optimization (SEO) to promote your business. SEO is a collection of rich, highly effective strategies that work for all industries and expertise. Ranking your business website high on search engines will be easier if you use the right SEO tactics.

SEO for Medical and Dental Professionals

Google and other search engines help users get expert answers to their questions. If users are looking for a health professional such as a dermatologist, pediatrician, dietician, dentist, or physical therapist near their location, Google can provide the closest match to their query.

Google lets bots or spiders crawl pages of websites to efficiently index information. These bots rely on many factors to index information so that they’ll have expert answers every time a user searches for specific information.  

Users searching for a dermatologist near their location will use keywords such as “dermatologist near me” or provide their exact location as in “dermatologist in San Diego.” Users who need a specific professional service such as teeth whitening or braces use keywords such as “teeth whitening San Diego” or “San Diego dental braces.”

But using the right keywords and knowing where to place your keywords is just one part of SEO. reports that there are many optimization strategies that you can implement to enhance your medical or dental practice online. Let’s discuss these in detail. 

Top SEO Strategies for Doctors and Dentists

Here are tried-and-tested SEO tactics that will give doctors and dentists an edge online.

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Strategize Your Professional Website

As you develop a professional medical or dental website, you must never overlook factors that can affect your reputation online and offline. You want to show customers that you have the answers to their questions and that you’re the expert they are looking for. You also want to display your concern for patient safety, especially when you need to collect vital patient information. 

Consider the tips below.

Consider a HIPAA-compliant site. This ensures that you’re protecting your patient’s privacy and security as they use your website.

  • Use WordPress or other website builders to create professional-looking websites.
  • Choose website templates, fonts, colors, and logos wisely.
  • Make sure you optimize your website for mobile use.

Use Only Unique and Shareable Content

Your website content is not just about text, posts, and descriptions on your website. It’s also about images, videos, infographics, surveys, tables, and tools that your users interact with while on your site. 

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You must post unique content that your clients or customers will find helpful, relevant, or relatable. These are just a few interesting, valuable, and shareable content to consider on your website:

  • Covid-19 health protocols observed in your clinic or office
  • Educational content about preventive health measures, seasonal health conditions, and the latest trends in your practice
  • Instructional and informative videos
  • How-to images and infographics
  • Medical tools such as those for finding doctors, BMI calculators, calorie counters, symptom checkers, and exercise calculators
  • Medical and dental quizzes
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Optimize with GMB and Market-specific Online Directories

Your medical clinic or dental office has a special free space in Google’s search results. This is your Google My Business (GMB). Your GMB is the first page that your clients see on Google after searching for your business. GMB features your business name, address, phone number, website URL, hours of operation, photos, and reviews.

With all this information your clients can get out of your GMB, you must claim your page and update this regularly. Aside from your free GMB listing, consider relevant directories such as the American Dental Association, 1-800-DENTIST, Smile Guide, and Orthodontist Pages or Orthopages. 

Here are some tips to consider when setting up your directory listings online:

  • Make sure all directory entries must be consistent. All information must reflect on your website, social media platforms, and other customer touchpoints.
  • Use your keywords in creating business descriptions on GMB and other listings.
  • Manage reviews. Answer all reviews, whether positive or negative.
  • Upload good-quality photos of your dental clinic or medical office.

Your GMB profile connects to Google Maps. Other directory listings also come with mapping services; some adopt Google Maps for their services. If you have more than one business location, create separate GMB profiles for each one to optimize your customers’ search online.

Promote Your Business Through Social Media

People use social media not just to connect with friends and family. They also look up to social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and TikTok for information. Using social media to promote your medical or dental practice will help you connect with more people and promote your brand further.

With a business social media account, you can promote your services or products, the latest discounts and deals, and updates on your clinic information, policies, payments, offers, etc. Social media messaging can help you efficiently connect with customers and vice versa. 

Consider these tips to optimize your social media platforms:

  • Make sure all information on your social media pages reflects those on your website or blog site.
  • Promote your business by posting relevant updates, photos, infographics, and videos.
  • Answer your customers’ comments, questions, and complaints.
  • Use social media chatbots to answer customer questions 24/7 efficiently.

Use Effective Online Advertising Methods

Aside from having a business social media page, you can promote your business further through ad campaigns through Google and social media platforms. Through Google Ads, you can use pay-per-click (PPC) ads. These ads will show on top of the results when an end-user types specific keywords in the search bar.

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PPC ads can instantly create traffic to your site, translating to customer engagement, revenue, and brand loyalty. PPC is also cost-effective because you need to pay only once a client clicks on your site. PPC ads can also show up as banner ads on websites, YouTube video ads, and many more.

Final Words

SEO can help enhance your medical or dental business tenfold. This strategy ensures that your website gets the attention it deserves. SEO can be a formidable strategy in your digital marketing arsenal when properly executed.