Your Guide to Improving Online Sales

Your Guide to Improving Online Sales

Have you been struggling with online sales recently? Stagnation is not that uncommon among entrepreneurs, particularly if they have been using the same digital marketing strategy for years. 

Sometimes, introducing some changes and finding new marketing channels are what your online store needs. Follow this guide and reshape your digital marketing strategy with the suggestions below. 

Suggestion #1 – Offer Complimentary Gifts


Sometimes, raising brand awareness is more beneficial than focusing entirely on sales improvements. You could start offering complimentary gifts to your most loyal customers.

For example, look up Printify and create a mug with custom design on their website. Figure how much you can afford to spend on these mugs and order them in bulk. The next time someone orders your products include a mug or two as a gift.

Not only will your customers appreciate the gift, but they will also create an opportunity for other people to notice your brand. If someone drinks coffee from your mug while working, a coworker may notice a custom mug and start asking questions about where it came from, etc. One thing leads to another, and you may end up with a new customer this way.

Besides, it is not just mugs. Print-on-demand allows you to create other custom merchandise, including calendars, t-shirts, hoodies, or face masks. 

Suggestion #2 – Try Different Business Models


Switching to another business model might seem a bit dramatic, but it is still something worth considering. As much as 27% of global online retailers have adopted dropshipping at the beginning of 2018, and this trend continues to grow. 

If you have a regular online store, trying to dropship some of your products may prove to increase the sales and the overall efficiency of the business operation.

When drop shipping, you do not have to worry about warehousing and other logistical problems. Your focus is on customer service. 

In case dropshipping does not bring the results you desire, it will still provide valuable experience that you can leverage in the future. After all, the more you know about ecommerce, the higher your odds of succeeding. 

Suggestion #3 – Collaborate With More Micro-Influencers


Working with A-tier celebrities from Instagram and other social media sites is not necessarily the best strategy. 

Top influencers charge a lot of money, yet the results they bring are not always that great. Brands end up spending money to hire a big name or someone who has hundreds of thousands of followers, but they do not consider how relevant the influencer is to the niche or what engagement rate these influencers have.

Instead, brands should collaborate with micro-influencers who may not have that many followers, but the followers of micro-influencers tend to be more responsive. Therefore, even if the content they publish is promotional, the overall engagement rate is still great. 

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Overall, working with a few micro-influencers offers better ROI than working with a top-tier celebrity. Besides, you can always expand your network and collaborate with new micro-influencers because dealing with them is easier than it is with A-listers.

Suggestion #4 – Advertise on Less Popular Social Media Platforms

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Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Pinterest are some of the most popular social media platforms. The numbers of active daily users are in the millions, and it is no surprise to see brands putting effort into increasing their presence on these platforms.

However, the popularity creates competition, and it may be too difficult to get a decent share of the market if you lack the resources to attract followers who could become potential customers.

Thus, it may be worth your while to check social media platforms that are not as popular. Some of the examples include Periscope, Elpha, Yubo, Amikumu, and Fark. 

Even sites like Quora and Reddit are worth a shout, though advertising on these platforms is a bit tricky, particularly when the majority of the users will call someone out if they are trying to promote goods or services. 

Suggestion #5 – Join Niche-Relevant Podcasts


Participating in live events is tricky given the ongoing pandemic, but you may be able to join niche-relevant podcasts. Podcasts have become a popular form of entertainment and education. 

If you get an opportunity to join a podcast where you can talk about your business, do not miss that opportunity. No matter how many listeners a podcast has, it is still another marketing channel that could bring you more customers. 

Suggestion #6 – Focus on Improving Customer Service

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Customer service is not just support that is available 24/7. Sure, that aspect is important because failing to respond to a question may lead to losing customers. 

Besides reliable customer support, your business should have other examples of exceptional customer support. Donating to charities, sending personal apologies, turning bad experiences into good ones, and finding solutions on the spot are some of the suggestions for your business.