3 Ways To Improve Your Mood


You share a common lens through which most everyone, regardless of background, sees the world: your mood. When you’re in a good mood, the world can seem warm, joyful, safe, and exciting.

But the opposite is also true. Wake up on the wrong side of the bed, and the world can seem harsh, bleak, cold, and uncaring. 

Thereby a lot of the meaning and satisfaction you derive from life depends on your mood. Because your mood plays such a pivotal role in how much you enjoy life, it’s worthwhile to find ways to improve it.

That way you don’t always have to think and behave according to the whim of any given emotional moment. 

The good news is there are lots of ways you can improve your mood. Here are a few go-to methods you can use to improve yours.

1. Improve Your Nutrition 

In many cases, your mood depends on your energy levels. More specifically, the changes in your energy levels.

Improve Your Nutrition

Remember what it was like binge eating candy on Halloween as a kid? The bright colors, sweet tastes, and rush of sugar gave you an exhilarating jolt of energy.

What most tend to forget is the frustration and irritability that came with the crash thereafter. 

While this fluctuation in energy and corresponding change in mood is more pronounced in children, it’s still present in adults. Many have just traded sugar for coffee, though not all.

One way to get your energy levels, and your mood, under control is to hone in on your nutritional intake.

Focus on cutting out excess sugars, carbohydrates, and caffeine. You can have too much of a good thing, after all. And ingesting too many of these can leave you feeling lethargic and blue. 

Additionally, focus on improving your mood by adding supplements to your daily routine. That way you can ensure you’re getting enough essential vitamins, like D, E, and B12.

Apple cider vinegar is a criminally underrated supplement for satiating hunger and stabilizing blood sugar.

You can easily support your diet with ACV gummies alongside other vitamins and minerals. Invest in your health now so you can help stabilize and even improve your mood in the long-run. 

2. Support Your Sleep

They may call it “waking up on the wrong side of the bed,” but it’s really waking up in the wrong side of your head. Sleep matters, and the quality of it has a profound effect on your mood.

Simply put, the worse your sleep, the worse your mood tends to be. While it’s not a guaranteed 1-for-1 relationship, there’s a strong correlation.

And even if one night of bad sleep doesn’t kill your cool, a week will likely put you over the edge.

When it comes to culprits of sleep sabotage in the modern world, look no further than your pocket.

It’s no secret these days that blue light from phones can wreck your sleep cycle, so put yours down well before bed.

Give yourself as much time as possible without screens before you close your eyes. Shoot for an hour at least, but the more minutes without dancing pixels before you dream, the better. 

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Quality sleep is all about ambiance. If you know you’re a light sleeper, invest in some quality earplugs, an eye mask, and a sound machine if you can.

Falling asleep using these sleep assistants may take some getting used to. But the more you can cocoon yourself off from the world, the better shot you’ll have at getting some quality Z’s.

It will be worth it when you wake up feeling refreshed and rejuvenated. 

Get Moving

3. Get Moving

If you’re like most Americans, you’re not moving enough. In fact, only about 28% of Americans meet the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ weekly exercise recommendations.

The recommendation includes roughly 150 minutes a week focused on moderate-intensity aerobic exercises.

That’s only about 20 minutes each day. Then supplement that with muscle-strengthening exercises two days a week.

People are busier than ever these days, so that may sound like a lot. But keep in mind you don’t have to go all the way to the gym to get exercise.

You can fit moderate aerobic activity into your day fairly easily. Take a break by going for a brisk walk outdoors instead of doom scrolling.

If you have the option, walk or even bike to work instead of using a motor vehicle for transportation. Take the stairs when you can and spend more time outdoors.

You may have to shift your priorities a bit to incorporate more exercise into your life. But once it becomes part of your every day routine, it doesn’t take much to meet the minimum health requirements.

Increase your endorphins through regular exercise, and you and your mood will be in good shape. 

Simple, But Effective

Truly, some of the most effective ways to improve your mood are some of the simplest. That’s because the way you eat, sleep, and move are part of your every-day life.

Whether it be through nutritional supplements or just going for a hike now and then, there are easy but meaningful steps you can take to improve your mood. 

What’s most important is shifting your priorities to ensure you consistently make these small but positive changes.

And, over time, you may just start to notice the world starting to look just a little bit brighter again.

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