We at Washington’s Blog have an insatiable curiosity for new discoveries, new information and new insights.
Despite our passion for what’s new, there are themes that we keep reporting on year after year, as they reflect a bigger picture which remains fairly constant, or the root causes of our problems which have still not been addressed, or potentially powerful solutions which have still never been tried.
For example, we note again and again that government leaders are doing all of the wrong things for the economy, and that the economy cannot fundamentally stabilize – and we cannot regain prosperity – unless:
- The widespread fraud as a business model by the biggest Wall Street players is prosecuted
- The giant but insolvent banks are broken up
- Government policies stop making the rich richer and everyone else poorer
- Government stops encouraging insane levels of leverage
- Governments stop trying to prop up unsustainable levels of debt to protect bondholders, and start forcing a debt “jubilee”
- The endless wars are stopped (contrary to widespread myth, war greatly weakens our economy)
Other recurrent themes at Washington’s Blog include (by way of random sample only):
- The Sun affects many more aspects of our lives than scientists had realized
- The “mainstream” corporate media serves the interests of the rich and powerful, not the little guy
- Neither the Republican nor Democratic parties represent the average American, and they engage in a false dog-and-pony show to distract us from the fact that they both serve the same masters
- Fear of terror disempowers people, and makes them unable to think clearly
- Governments from around the world admit that they murder their own people – and then blame it on the other guy – to promote their policy goals
- It is much easier for groups of people to keep things secret than people assume
- Covering up disasters only makes them worse
- No matter how bad things may seem, we can still have hope and courage … if we understand where those powerful emotions really come from.