4 Corners Cannabis Review 2024: Are They Safe & Legit, or a Scam?

4 Corners Cannabis Review

4 Corners Cannabis Review 2024

The impending trend in CBD oil industry is to develop high-quality CBD/low TCH dosage strains to maximize the benefits of using CBD oil. As research and development take center stage, we discover more and more qualities of this amazing herb.

With this comes a lot of companies scrambling for a piece of the CBD oil pie, which makes it hard for you to choose the right manufacturer. Let us look at one of the top manufacturers – 4 Corners Cannabis.



The founders of 4 Corners Cannabis boast of decades growing cannabis, a period that saw them get a lot of information on the plant and what to do with it. They have used the experience gleaned from those years to come up with the perfect strain of pharmaceutical hemp ideal for CBD oil.

The founders are closely involved in coming up with strains, growing, harvesting as well as extracting the oil.

The founders make use of human-grade hemp, with claims that they provide CBD oil that is more than 20 times as effective as industrial-grade hemp.

The Pros

An Intimate Control of the Process

These guys not only manufacture a high-quality product, but they also take time to know about the processes and get involved from start to finish. The decades of experience make it easy for them to come up with the perfect strain for their oil.

Proper Extraction & Testing

Some of the companies use extraction methods that deteriorate the quality of the oil instead of delivering the perfect extract. The team at 4 Corners uses proper extraction techniques to conserve the benefits of the products.

After extraction, the company uses third-party testing to make sure the extract is up to par with the quality required on the market. The company then uploads the results so that you can access them. These results contain a lot of information, which verifies their claims.

The Company Embraces Social Engagement

This is a company that takes great care to make sure you can engage with them on social media platforms. The company maintains more than 5000 followers on the platform. The company tries to have a real conversation with their clients. You can ask anything regarding their products and will surely get a response.

Innovation is Key

The company claims to use an exclusive strain (ma’at) to produce their oil. This means that they are innovative and we hope that they will come up with better strains as time goes by.

The Price

The price of the oil varies depending on the formulation and the potency. Take time to understand what you need and how you need it before you make a purchase decision.

Top Rated CBD Companies

RankCompanyMore Info
1Verma FarmsVisit
2Absolute Nature
4Hemp Bombs
5Charlotte's Web

The Lowdown

While the company boasts of high-quality oil, it also has a few negative features that might dampen your spirits. The biggest downside is the relatively high price, which might be an obstacle for those that are working on a budget. However, the company attests to the fact that their product is 20 more times more potent than competitors, which might justify the price.

Worthy Reading:  CBD Vs. Hemp Oil: What’s the Difference?

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