Archie Alternatives (2025 Shutdown)

Archie Alternatives

Archie Alternatives: It’s 2019, which means that Instagram has been around for a little while now. It also means that it’s cracking down on outsourcing your engagement automation, making it more and more difficult to grow your account this way. It’s incredibly challenging to find those companies out there that still have a good reputation, and many companies, including Archie, have been shut down as a result.

However, while it may be challenging, it’s not impossible. Let’s check out why Archie was shut down and our list of the best four alternatives so you can keep your Instagram engagement alive and well.

What Was Archie?

Archie was a self-growth service tool that helped you increase your exposure on Instagram. They were all about that Instagram exposure and wanted to give you the ease of gaining more authentic followers automatically. They even had a free trial, so you could check them out before you committed to anything or signed up for a service.

They had a wide range of price points, starting at just $19 and going all the way up to $209. Unfortunately, companies like Archie have collected quite a few negative reviews elsewhere online, so we feel that their shut down was almost inevitable.

What Did it Get Shut Down?

So, why exactly did get shut down, then? The main reason is that Instagram came down on them for violating its terms and conditions. Instagram wants its users to pay for their ad promotions, and to keep it all in-house, they have to go on a blitz to make sure that they wipe out the competition.

As you can expect, was providing its customers with automation services that were in direct violation of Instagram’s rules and regulations, so at the end of the day, it was just a matter of time before Instagram discovered how they were operating. Many companies have been shut down for similar reasons, and as we said before, this makes it pretty hard to find a company that’s going to be consistent and reliable.

Archie Alternatives 2025

While it sounds like a lot of doom and gloom, it’s not all bad. In fact, we’ve done some of the work so that you don’t have to and found four of the best Instagram growth companies out there right now that can help you get ahead still. Let’s take a look at what they do.

1. FanBump


We love that one of the first things we read on FanBump’s website is that they’ve never had an account gets removed. This means that they operate within Instagram’s standards, keeping themselves and their clients safe at the same time. They have an organic, customized strategy that is completely focused on making sure your Instagram growth is gradual, yet consistent. Wherever you’re located and whatever type of account you’re promoting, Fan Bump can help you.

First of all, they’re going to want to know everything they can about your niche and the kind of people you’re trying to connect with. This way, they can waste no time getting to know the people that really matter. What’s more, you can see what progress they’re making for you and watch how effective organic growth can be for your profile and its content. Fan Bump is a simple brand with some great results that have been proven time and again.

Worthy Reading:  Organic Social Review 2025: Is It Safe & Legit, or a Scam?

2. Stellation Media


Stellation Media is ideal if you’re Type A and need something that can do it all. These guys are so serious about online branding that they’ve made sure to create services for everything, from helping you develop your website to email marketing and even social media management. Stellation Media understand that it takes a lot more than just working on your Instagram engagement to get people visiting your website, which is why they’re creative and diverse.

These guys also offer a free consultation, so they can sit down and really get to know what you’re hoping to get out of working with them. With their in house designers, you can do so much more than simply sit back and watch your engagement slowly grow. You can turn those dreams into a tangible reality, and you can get help with it every step of the way.

3. Follow Adder


Being in with the next big thing is always positive, but sometimes it pays to look back on the companies that started it all. Follow Adder is one of these companies. They first started way back when the industry was just getting off the ground, and they’ve been in the game ever since. This says a lot for their expert industry knowledge, as well as their ability to stay above it all. As far as we can tell, they haven’t ever been in trouble with Instagram.

If you’re someone who likes to have a little bit of the control still, then you’ll like these guys. Their downloadable dashboard is compatible with most computer software and can help you customize your Instagram engagement strategy.

4. Hashtags for Likes


Last, but not least, is Hashtags for Likes . These guys are slightly different from the other companies on our list, but that’s because they’ve got an original, creative point of difference. Their focus is on the hashtags – the foundation of Instagram. Their search bar allows you to put in any hashtag you like to receive exclusive information on it.

This is really going to help you have one of the best hashtag strategies out there.

Final Thoughts

We know that it’s not easy to find a high-quality Instagram growth service that has a well-established reputation. In this industry, there’s a high turnover, which means when you finally find your favorite brand, there’s no telling when it could disappear.

Luckily, we feel confident that our list of four Archie alternatives is going to see you through and keep your Instagram engagement both high quality and consistent. It’s difficult to find companies like this these days, but it’s not impossible.