Arrest US ‘leaders’ as ONLY legal response to ongoing War Crimes

war crimes

“A mere demarcation on parchment of the constitutional limits (of government) is not a sufficient guard against those encroachments which lead to a tyrannical concentration of all the powers of government in the same hands.” – James Madison, Federalist Paper #48, 1788.

Importantly, now, US military and/or law enforcement must arrest US government “leaders” for War Crimes to end a history of US war-murders. If not, this history will repeat with mass-murdering of Syrians, Iranians, and more ignorant/gullible US soldiers. The basis of law provides US military and all with Oaths to defend the US Constitution to refuse unlawful orders and act to arrest those who issue them.

We were all born into a century of total deaths from government violence of over 230 million human beings. After two world wars, the US was the chief author of the treaty that makes war unlawful unless attacked by another nation’s military. 

Therefore: all current US armed attacks/military operations, invasions, and occupations of foreign lands are unlawful Wars of Aggression. 

Therefore: the only legal response available to anyone serious about upholding the US Constitution is to arrest US government leaders as obvious criminal suspects for obvious War Crimes.

All of our families sacrificed through two world wars: if there’s one law that Americans should know as least as well as rules of their favorite sport, it’s war law.

Because all “reasons” given for current US wars to the public, our military, and the world are now disclosed by our own official documents as known to be false as they were told, we are reasonable to assume current US “leaders” are behind the use of sarin gas in Syria, and lying for more war-murders. Therefore, they should be immediately arrested as prime suspects in investigation of causing murders from revolution in Syria.

As the links below document in conservative and now non-controversial history, current US wars continue a pattern of lie-started and unlawful wars:

1. The US regularly violated treaties with Native Americans, as well as manipulating their meaning for the purpose of stealing their land.

2. US President Polk lied to Congress to initiate a War of Aggression in Mexico. The result was the US taking 40% of Mexico in 1848. This occurred despite Abraham Lincoln’s crystal-clear explanation as a member of Congress that the Adams-Onis Treaty placed the “border dispute” 400 miles within land forever promised to Mexico and forever promised as outside any US claim.

3. The US violated our treaty with Hawaii and stole their country in 1898.

4. The US reneged on promises of freedom after the Spanish American War to impose our rule on the Philippines and install US-friendly dictators in Cuba.

5. The US entered WW1 upon no national security threat to the US and put the 3rd party presidential candidate in prison for public speeches questioning the war.

6. The CIA had several covert wars; perhaps most important in today’s context of war on Iran: “Operation Ajax” that overthrew Iran’s democracy and installed a US-friendly and brutal dictator.  When that dictator was overthrown and Iran refused another, the US aided Iraq to unlawfully invade and attack Iran from 1980-1988; killing up to a million Iranians. If the US lied and acted twice to unlawfully overthrew Iran’s democracy within our own lifetimes, shouldn’t we assume first another lie-stared unlawful war today?

Worthy Reading:  U.S. Bases in Okinawa Are a Threat to Freedom

7. The Vietnam War occurred after the US allowed the cancellation of an election to unify the country, as escalated with the Gulf of Tonkin incident: false intelligence at best, but then manipulated into a false-flag event for a “defensive” war.

8. Perhaps most disturbing is the King Family civil suit that found the US government guilty in the assassination of Dr. King. Corporate media, including our text publishers, omit this history. The King family’s conclusion is that Martin was assassinated to prevent his “Occupy DC” plan beginning for the summer of 1968 to end his version of today’s wars.

9. We now know from Congressional reports that all “reasons” for war with Iraq were known to be false as they were told.

10. The two “reasons” for war with Iran are as false as the “reasons” for war with Iraq. Beware a false flag attack by the US or Israel to blame on Iran as pretext for another “defensive” war:

  1. Iran’s president never physically threatened Israel.
  2. All of Iran’s nuclear material is fully accounted for peaceful and legal use for energy and medicine.

Stand with Lincoln’s assertion:

“… let every American pledge his life, his property, and his sacred honor;–let every man remember that to violate the law, is to trample on the blood of his father, and to tear the character of his own, and his children’s liberty.”