How To Create A Realistic Debt Repayment Plan


Getting out of debt is a massive achievement for you. However, to achieve it, there are a few tips you need to follow for you to reach your goal. 

First, you must develop a well-laid plan to guide you through as you repay your debts.

The idea is for you to stay on track as you repay your debts and to inspire you to keep you moving as you see your progress in debt repayment. 

Additionally, a debt repayment plan will inspire you to put more money into your repayment plan, which will quicken the repayment process.

That said, you should come up with a plan, so you can repay and clear your debts much faster.

Here are a few steps to help you clear your debts.

1. Jot Down All Your Debts 

Before anything, you must develop a clear outline highlighting all your debts. Include the minimum amount you owe, the interest rates, and the total debt in that outline.

As you develop this outline, ensure you include loans from your student loans, mortgages, personal loans, and credit card debts; think until you have outlined all your obligations, including those from friends and family. 

2. Outline The Debts In The Order You Intend To Pay Them

Once you have written down your debts, the next step is to arrange them in order of urgency.

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But, you can still start with the least amount and extend to the enormous amount to keep you motivated as you pay them.

Some experts also recommend starting with the highest interest rates as you proceed to t

hose with minimal rates. The main intention of this process is to save you as much money as possible as you repay your debts.

Therefore, you should start with consumer debts like credit card debts, which have high-interest rates.

There is technology software to make your work easier, which will help you outline your debts and suggest methods to help clear your debts faster.

You can also visit the IVA debt help uk for more guidelines on ways to repay your debt faster.

That said, the most critical thing is to list your debts and stick to the order you come up with.

3. Look For Extra Money To Pay Your Debts

Then, you need to analyse your sources of income and see how much you can direct to your debt repayment.

If you don’t have extra money from your paycheck, you can cut down on your spending to stick to your debt repayment plan. 

You should develop a budget that includes your debt repayment plan to help you stay on track.

If that doesn’t work, you can take on another job or overtime at your workstation to boost your income. The best part is once you complete repaying your debts, you’ll have extra income to invest. 

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But if your work schedule is tight, you should sell items to help boost your income to support your debt repayment plan. You can also direct your bonuses, tax returns, or gifts toward your repayment plan. Doing this will accelerate you to pay off your debts much faster.

4. Prioritize One Debt At A Time 

Clear one debt at a time; you should clear off the first debt on your list before moving on to the next debt. Direct most of your resources towards that debt as you pay the minimum to the other obligations.

Focusing on one debt at a time helps you stay motivated, pay off the debt faster, and avoid confusion as you repay your debts.

You should direct more money to the principal by paying one debt at a time, automatically deducting the interest amount. 

You’ll pay more interest if you spread all your income to various debts.

5. Move On To The Next Debt On Your List 

That was quite a relief. Once you’re done with the first debt, move on to the next debt and direct most of your income toward the debt. Doing that will reduce the impact of the interest rates.

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Do this with all your debts, and soon you’ll clear all your debts.

You may feel demotivated at the beginning of your repayment plan, like clearing all your debts will take forever. However, once you shed a few debts, you’ll gain momentum and soon clear off all the debts.

6. Build Up Your Savings

The final step after clearing your debts should be growing your savings margins. Your savings will prevent you from falling back into debt, but instead, maintain a healthy financial plan. 

You should also set up an emergency fund to get you covered when emergencies come up instead of taking a loan.

Credit cards are alright, but using them responsibly is wise to avoid high interest. However, if you can still avoid them, do that, and you’ll soon appreciate that you didn’t fall into that trap.

Additional Tips

Finally, you should review your credit card and banks’ policies on extra or one-time loan repayment policies.

Doing this will help reduce the interest rate and focus most of your income on your loan’s principal. 

Final Thoughts

It may not be easy to pay off your debts initially, but you’ll be glad you did once you finish repaying.

A few interviews from people who have paid 5 figure loans have proven that if you stay committed and focused, you’ll soon complete your journey. They also mentioned that you’d always be happy to repay and stay debt-free.