How to Delete an Album on an iPhone?


Is your iPhone album consuming a lot of storage space, and do you want to know how to delete an album on an iPhone? If so, this article will help. You can manage your photos and videos on every iPhone and iOS device you own with the albums. There is a possibility that you will be unable to delete some albums if your iPhone remains synced with iTunes or iCloud. Users are much more likely to be able to delete albums created by them directly. So, how do we do that?

If you want to delete an album on your iPhone, you need to visit the “My Albums” app on your device and tap the “See All” option. You can delete an album by clicking the red circle in the corner of the album. After you’ve deleted the albums you’d like to delete, tap “Done” on the upper-right side of your screen.

Steps to Follow to Delete an Album on an iPhone

You can use photo albums to store photos and videos from vacations and events. However, it can be a challenge to delete these albums. But we have the solution to your problem. Follow the steps below to delete any album on your iPhone.

  • Open the Photos app on your iPhone.
  • Then, access Albums by tapping the bottom bar.
  • In the My Albums section of the screen, you can tap on the See All option to see your albums.
  • On the top-right-hand side, tap the Edit button.
  • An icon should appear on the top left side of the albums that you can delete, which appears as a red circle with a line through it.
  • Find the album you would like to delete using the slide bar or scroll bar and tap the red Delete icon.
  • Upon clicking this, you should be presented with a menu at the bottom of the screen asking you to confirm you want to delete the album. Select Delete Album from this menu.
  • At the top-right of the screen, tap done after you have finished deleting albums.
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Why Is It Not Possible to Delete Some iPhone Albums?

You will not be able to delete some photo albums from your iPhone after you sync them with iCloud or iTunes.

A Photos app curated album is impossible to delete, like a Selfie album or Screenshot album. You can delete an album if you have created it yourself and added photos to it by tapping the + button.


Using albums on your iPhone and iOS device, you will be able to manage all the photos and videos that you have stored. If your iPhone remains synchronized with iTunes or iCloud, it may not be possible to delete some albums. 

However, you will have no issue deleting any of the albums most of the time. The process of deleting the album is quite simple. You can achieve this by following the given steps in this article. 

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