Incredible Benefits Of CNC Machining For Manufacturers

Incredible Benefits Of CNC Machining For Manufacturers

Computer Numerically Controlled or CNC machining is a manufacturing method where pre-programmed computer software commands the motion of machinery and machine tools.

Utilizing this type of machining counter to manual machining results in greater precision, higher production speeds, improved efficiency, increased safety, and above all lower costs.

The manufacturing sector depends heavily on CNC machining, comprising operations that once used engineer-managed gear like shaping machines, routers, center lathes, vertical millers, etc.

The many CNC machine advantages mean operator-required equipment has in some cases been entirely replaced. 

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Many manufacturing industries choose the benefits of CNC machining for their fabrication and production processes. It offers efficient, advantageous and accurate production capacity perfect for producing large amounts of items.

Manufacturers have gained a lot from learning about CNC machining and how they could benefit from it. So, if you want to know more about the incredible benefits of CNC machining, keep reading below.

CNC Machining Vs. Traditional Machining

Traditional machining and CNC machining aim toward achieving the same objective, and both start with a raw chunk of plastic or metal and form it into a piece.

The most fundamental difference between them is the automation of CNC machining against the manual nature of the traditional one. 

CNC machining enables manufacturers to fabricate pieces faster, reducing completion time and increasing the number of pieces they can produce.

Another advantage is that CNC machining enables the production of consistent pieces. That eliminates variations that are ordinary with traditional production.

Contrary to human labor, CNC machines can work continually.

That enables manufacturers to meet demanding time frames. Once programmed, CNC machinery just needs to stop for casual use.

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Photo from Pixabay

Worker Safety

The CNC machine engineer is safe from any cutting parts behind a protective structure. The machine operator can constantly see what is happening with the machine tool through the protective glass. 

The operator doesn’t need to go near the axle or mill.

Also, the operator doesn’t need to come close to the cooling fluids. Some fluids are hazardous to human skin, depending on the substance.

Labor Economy 

Conventional machine tools need an operator to closely monitor and move every part of the tool. Consequently, every worker can only operate a single machine tool.

With the CNC machining that has changed, and almost all pieces require about half an hour to process during every setup. 

The CNC machine cuts without assistance, and the operator doesn’t need to do anything. The cutting tool moves automatically, and the operator just checks for faults in the machine setup or system. 

That means the operator has spare time in between, time which can be used to manage more tools.

So, with one operator handling several machine tools, you will save on labor costs considerably.

Reduced Set-Up Errors

Traditional machine tools depend on the expertise of the operator when using measuring tools. Some skilled operators have the capability of setting up parts with a lot of accuracy, but they are only a few. 

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That’s why CNC systems use a specific coordinate measuring probe that is installed into the axle. The probe contacts the fixed part in order to set its position.

Plus, the coordinate system zero points are certified to reduce errors.

Reduced Preliminary Tests

Traditional machining has several test parts. The machine operator has to get familiar with the technology and may miss certain things while doing the initial part.

CNC machines have ways to avoid doing preliminary tests. They use audiovisual systems that enable the operator to see what will happen once the tool passes are completed.

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Photo from Unsplash

Higher Cutting Range

High-velocity CNC turning machining is now available with the help of the sealed-off cutting area. Material chunks fly at high speeds, followed by a spray of cooling liquid as it’s sprayed at great pressure during machining. 

Once rates achieve 10000 rpm or more, manual operations are inconceivable. Because the cutting speeds are extremely high, it’s crucial to keep the splinter width and feed speed steady to avoid vibrations, which can’t be done manually.

Greater Machine Tool Flexibility

With the traditional machining method a milling machine makes flat surfaces, a lathe makes cylinders and tapers, while a drilling machine makes holes. 

With CNC machining all of the above is combined in a single machine, unlike the traditional machines where you need different machines.

Given that you can program the trajectory of the tools, you can effortlessly replicate any movement you would like on each and every machine tool.

Final Words

The traditional machining is dull and has more room for errors. CNC machining emerged to alleviate the pressure of doing everything manually.

The CNC guarantees worker safety, lowers the necessity to hire more operators and allows multitasking and many other benefits.