How to Fix “No Results Found” on Instagram Music

How to Fix “No Results Found” on Instagram Music

Instagram offers many remarkable features through its application to give users an eccentric experience.

With a click of a few buttons, you can post content, share stories, create reels and more. But there is one feature that users admire a lot.

What is that feature?

Instagram allows you to add music to the stories you share on the platform.

Say you share a photo from your gallery as an Instagram story. You can add a soundtrack to make it attention grabbing.

But many users have come across a situation where Instagram displayed an error message: “No Results Found”, when they tried to search for a specific track.

Why does this happen?

Well, this can happen because of many reasons.

This is what you’ll learn today.

Today, we’ll discuss all about the error: “No Results Found” and a quick way to fix it. 

How to fix “No Results Found” on Instagram Music

The only way to fix the error on Instagram music is by switching your account type to a personal one. This means users who have a business account on Instagram face the error: “No results found”.

Why does this happen?

Well, this isn’t an application glitch or outage error.

This happens because Instagram restricts businesses from using music on the platform for commercial use.

Does this mean you can’t access music on Instagram if you have a creator account?

While people misunderstand this, Instagram allows you to access the music library as long as you have a personal or creator account on the platform.

How can you switch to a personal account on Instagram?

You can do this by using the settings menu on the application. 

Let’s go through a series of steps to understand the process.

Step 1: Navigate to Your Settings.

Navigate to your settings

You can change your account type on Instagram by navigating to the settings menu.

Start by logging into your Instagram account by entering the correct username and password.

Now, tap on the profile-icon present in the bottom-right corner of your Home Screen.

This will open your profile page from where you can tap on the hamburger-icon present in the top-right corner.

A menu will pop up from the bottom of the screen. 

Now, tap on “settings”.

Step 2: Tap on “Account”, then tap on “Switch account type”.

Switch account type

Tapping on the “settings” options will open a new window showing all the account settings you can edit.

From the listed items, click on the option of saying “Account”.

What’s next?

Now, another window will open, listing more settings/areas you can edit.

You can scroll down to find the option of saying: “Switch to personal account”. 

Tap on this option.

Step 3: Tap on “Switch to Personal Account,”

Switch to Personal Account

In the last step of the process, Instagram will display a drawer asking you to choose between two options: “Switch to Personal Account” or “Switch to Creator Account”.

Most users use a personal account on Instagram. With a personal account, you can set your profile as public or private. This means you can pick whether users can follow you directly or send a follow request.

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A personal Instagram account allows you to use music on your stories. This is true for a creator account as well.

But when you use a business account on Instagram, you can’t set your profile as private. This means the profile stays public and users can follow you directly.

The business account type is useful to businesses because of the plethora of business and marketing tools Instagram offers.

Hence, you can use music on your stories only through a personal or creator account on Instagram.


There you have it. Now, you know all about the error: “No Results Found”, when you search for music on Instagram. You also know how to fix this issue by switching to a personal or creator account. I hope this article helps.

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