How To Find Someone’s Middle Name? (Brief Explanation & Guide)


Trying to find personal details on someone online can be a complicated process, with several hoops to jump through for basic information.

Thankfully, finding someone’s middle name is a bit more straightforward, with less headache involved.

This can help narrow down who you are looking for, especially for people with common first and last names.

It should be said that public record search engines can be convoluted and prone to spyware, so try to use a reputable website when giving away personal information.

In this article, we will run down a brief and consistent way to determine the middle names of potential romantic partners, business associates, and more.

Ways To Find A Person’s Middle Name

There are a number of ways that someone can find the middle name of an acquaintance online, and many are free and simplistic.

Ways To Find A Persons Middle Name

The following paragraphs will cover the three ways to get personal information quickly and efficiently without taking a trip to a government building.

Social Media Search

The overwhelming majority of people with internet have access to and use social media.

Social media is also one of the more informative places online to find details about someone’s identity, hobbies, and employment information.

So before you get into Google and the various public records sites on the internet, give Facebook a shot.

Using Instagram, Facebook, or even Twitter, try to find mutual friends that may be associated with the person you are looking up.

Social media sites will narrow the search tremendously, as common names can come across several pages if you don’t have other identifiers–such as their address or occupation.

Once you find their profile, you have a good chance of finding their middle name in their personal bio.

If those three fail, look at LinkedIn and see if they have a profile. Many young professionals nowadays are getting recruited digitally across several different careers, so there’s a good chance you will find their middle name on it.

Use A Public Record Finder/People Search Engine

When looking for information on a person, a public records search, like Information’s lookup, can prove invaluable.

These sites often have information that is not available anywhere else online and can get you detailed rundowns of a person in just a couple of minutes. 

Be wary when searching for a people search engine, as several offer higher search fees and can have spyware.

The more information you have on the person, the easier it will be to use a people search engine, specifically name, location, and work history.

Remember that almost all of these will require an initial search fee (even if they state otherwise), though it shouldn’t range further than a few dollars.

It can pay dividends to check ahead of time about the search engine you are using to ensure that it provides information on the person’s full name.

There are certain engines that specialize in specific areas, while others pull general information like middle names, previous locations, and so forth.

Search Their Name in Google

Search Their Name in Google, Bing, Etc

If all else fails, don’t be afraid to try a regular search engine. While it won’t be as specific as social media or a public record search, it can pull information about a person from odd corners of the internet.

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Search engines may also benefit you by giving more details on the specific individual, allowing more specific searches in the previous methods.

If you don’t get the results you were looking for when attempting search engines, try narrowing the search results to your location or even use a different search site.

Google may not get you the answer you have been looking for, though DuckDuckGo may yield better results.

A Summary Of Finding Someone’s Middle Name

Finding someone’s middle name can be incredibly simplistic or exceptionally difficult, depending on how present it is in their social media and digital portfolio.

Thankfully, people’s search engines use records like birth certificates that give a more detailed list of someone’s information.

While you can do these steps in any order, getting as much information as possible from Google searches and social media checks before using the people search engine may be beneficial.

It can narrow down results quicker and bring back more in-depth information, particularly when you already have a bit to go off of.