Quick and Easy Steps to Save Instagram Photos

Quick and Easy Steps to Save Instagram Photos

As you know, there are millions of photos published on Instagram every day. There’s no end to what you’ll see when you scroll through your feed, which means there’s a good chance you’re going to see stuff that you want to save and use for yourself.

There are a number of reasons why you may want to save Instagram photos:

  • Save your own Instagram posts in case you delete them or lose them
  • Make a copy of pictures that you’re tagged in to your camera roll
  • Create your very own personal mood board
  • Create a bucket list album for your travels

it’s not enough just to like someone else’s Instagram photo, downloading it is a great option. However, this doesn’t mean that it’s easy to save Instagram photos. As you already know, there’s no save option because Instagram wants to protect people’s property. Whatever reason you have for wanting to save an Instagram pic, you need to know that Instagram has pretty strict rules around copyright.

Is Downloading Instagram Pics Against the Rules?

Before you download other people’s photos, it’s essential that you know the deal with Instagram’s copyright terms and conditions.
If you have taken a photo on Instagram, you own the rights to that photo. As the owner of the picture, you are able to:

  • Stop other people from using your photo without your permission
  • Give permission to people to use it
  • Stop others from creating their own content based on your content
  • Stop others from sharing and copying your videos or photos

While Instagram doesn’t stop you from saving photos to re-post them later, it does require that you ask the owner of the picture for permission first. It’s even better if you can get this permission written down. It’s also important to give credit in the photo.

How To Save Photos To Your Camera Roll

Maybe you’re wanting to save a photo that you’ve found on Instagram. You may just want to save the edited version you’ve found. Saving Instagram photos to your camera roll is simple, all you have to do is adjust one setting, and you’re good to go.

  1. Go to your Instagram profile and click on the three lines at the top
  2. Click on settings and then ‘original photos.’
  3. Slide the toggle to the right that is next to ‘save original photos.’
  4. How to Save An Instagram Post Without Screenshotting It

    Enjoyed an ad that you saw and want to look at it later? Found a photo that you want to take inspiration from? Maybe your favorite new brand just released their latest product. Whatever the reason, you can keep track of all your favorite posts without taking a screenshot.
    This is because in 2017 Instagram added a feature that means you can bookmark your favorite Instagram posts. This feature allows you to save posts in a folder that you have within the app. So, how do you bookmark an Instagram photo?

    1. Click on the bookmark icon – the one that looks like a little flag – that will appear on the bottom right-hand corner of the photo.
    2. Find your saved Instagram pic by going to your profile page.
    3. Click on the three horizontal lines
    4. Click on your bookmark icon

    How to organize your saved Instagram photos:

    1. Click on ‘save to collection’
    2. Click on the plus icon to begin a new collection

    How to organize your bookmarked Instagram photos:

    1. Go back to your profile
    2. Click on the bookmark icon
    3. Click on the plus icon and create a new album, then move your bookmarked pics into this album

    When you save any Instagram posts to your collections, they will be laid out like your very own personal feed. What’s great about this though is that only you can see it. The people who posted the pics are not told by Instagram when someone bookmarks their content.

    While this feature hasn’t taken off as the Stories feature did, it’s still a pretty useful one to have. One big reason why it’s so helpful is that it helps you keep track of your favorite content and those photos that you want to look at again. Once they’re all within the app, you can set about organizing them and making individual albums for different categories.

    Why Should You Save Instagram Photos?

    1. Organize and Collect Content Created by Users
    2. This is a great way to save posts that have tagged your brand. You can also look for pics that have created a unique hashtag. You can easily add all of this content to your Instagram collection to look at later. Just remember that it’s important to always ask permission from the owner of the material before you re-share anything.

    3. Follow The Competition
    4. When implementing business strategies for your Instagram, it’s important to keep track of what your competition is doing. Always know what your competitors are up to. If you are saving photos of your Instagram competitors, you’ll be able to see which photos are popular and which aren’t. This will help you refine your marketing strategy even more. Remember, anything you save to your Instagram collection is private, so your competition can’t see that you’re tracking what they do.

    5. Be Inspired by Others
    6. One of the best parts of this feature is that you can save content and video that you get inspired by. You could even think of your Instagram collection as your virtual vision board. Whether it’s the content of the photo you like or the editing, it’s a great way to get new ideas that you can add to your own brand.
      When you’re ready to make those goals and visions a reality, you can rely on your collection for inspiration. You can search for hashtags, videos, and photos that relate best to your brand. This will help to keep those creative juices flowing.

    What if I Want to Save Instagram Photos to My Camera Roll?

    There’s a good chance that you’ve already tried clicking on an Instagram post in an attempt to save it. Ever wondered why you don’t get a ‘save image’ notification?

    Instagram doesn’t mind if you save other people’s content to your camera roll and bookmarking them is also within the boundaries.
    However, saving other people’s videos or photos is another story. You’re not allowed to directly save photos from Instagram, whether you’re using it on your computer or your smartphone. This is mainly for copyright reasons. If you want to use someone else’s content, then you’ll need their permission to do so.

    How to Download an Instagram Photo By Copy URL

    1. Go onto the Instagram app
    2. Located the photo, you’re wanting to save
    3. Click on the ellipsis on the top right-hand corner of the post
    4. Click ‘copy link’
    5. Open your internet browser, press and hold ‘paste and go’
    6. Hold down the photo and then click ‘copy’
    7. Open the notes app on your smartphone. Choose a new note, then hold and press your screen and select ‘paste’
    8. Click on the share icon and press ‘save image’

    How to Download an Instagram Photo Through a Page Source

    If you’re familiar with doing a little bit of coding, then this way is easy to understand:

    1. Go onto Instagram through your computer
    2. Click on the ellipsis at the bottom of the content you want to save
    3. Click on ‘go to post’
    4. Right-click and then choose ‘view page source.’ You will get a new tab with codes
    5. Press Ctrl+F and type .jpg in your search box
    6. Find the first link that has ‘.jpg’ in it and copy this
    7. Open a new tab and paste the link
    8. Your image will come up, and you’ll be able to save it to desktop

    Try Using Third-Party Apps

    If you’re not comfortable with these methods, you can always try using a third party app. While there are a lot of third party apps out there, some of them are going to work better than others. We’ve found that most of them won’t be able to give you streamlined downloads.

    This is because Instagram has tight restrictions around this and requires all access requests to be reviewed.
    We think that if you want to be on the safe side, you should use the collection feature on Instagram. Or, you could always try one of the options we’ve talked about above.

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